with 5G packages especially in affluent segment. The blended ARPU dropped -1.6% QoQ to Bt212 pressured by consumer behavior amid inflation and intense price competition. At the end of 3Q22, 5G
decrease in prepaid customers resulted from subscribers moving into postpaid. Blended ARPU increased 3.6% YoY with improved pricing; and remained flat QoQ. The subscribers for FBB business grew 38% YoY, and
decrease in prepaid customers resulted from subscribers moving into postpaid. Blended ARPU increased 3.6% YoY with improved pricing; and remained flat QoQ. The subscribers for FBB business grew 38% YoY, and
% Blended 224 212 213 -4.6% 0.8% MOU (minute/sub/month) Postpaid 174 155 153 -12% -1.3% Prepaid 66 58 58 -12% —% Blended 92 82 82 -11% —% VOU (GB/data sub/month) Postpaid 27.1 31.9 33.8 25% 6.0% Prepaid 23.5
แนวทางในการก าหนดแผนการท างาน เพ่ือส่งเสริมให้ตลาดทุนไทยมีความน่าเชื่อถือ มีประสิทธิภาพ และสังคมทุกภาคส่วนเข้าถึงได้ 0 1 1 2 3 ขอบเขตการด าเนินงาน การส ารวจใช้ระเบียบวิธีการวิจัย แบบผสม (Mixed Methods) ใช้
นคณะกรรมกำรก ำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลำดหลักทรัพย์ SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) • ระยะเวลำกำรส ำรวจ : ช่วงเดือนกุมภำพันธ ์2567 • กำรส ำรวจใช้ระเบียบกำรวิจัย แบบผสม (Mixed Methods) • ใช้วิธีกำ
institution which follows the performance measurement standards as set out by the Association; (b) at least the following information is presented on the same page: 1. rank, name, or type of awards received; 2
Association; (b) at least the following information is presented on the same page: 1. rank, name, or type of awards received; 2. date, time or the period when the award was granted; 3. name of the institution
performance measurement standards as set out by the Association; (b) at least the following information is presented on the same page: 1. rank, name, or type of awards received; 2. date, time or the period when
the following information is presented on the same page: 1. rank, name, or type of awards received; 2. date, time or the period when the award was granted; 3. name of the institution giving the award or