affect to the benefit of UAC existing shareholders, the Meeting has resolved to approve to allocate UAPC newly issued shares to UAC existing shareholders by proportion (Pre-emptive Right) amounting
increased because the unit sale price decrease as mentioned above. Also, Sweet corn price and can packaging price, which are major portion of costs, increased in year 2018. Gross profit The company has gross
wishes to submit herewith explanation and analysis of the Management as follows. 1. Income, gross profit, net profit Unit : Million Baht 1. Income 2019 2018 2017 Increase (decrease) 2019-2018 1.1
services and revenue from contract work. As a result, the gross profit was decreased by THB 2.7 million from the prior period and also decreased by THB 22.2 million or 6.2% decreased of gross profit margin
Gross profit 47.04 31.23 34.05 2.82 9.03 -12.99 -27.62 Profit (Loss) from exchange rate -0.21 0.54 3.24 2.70 500.00 3.45 -1,614.02 Other Income 1.46 2.1 2.02 -0.08 -3.81 0.56 38.36 Gain from bargain
183.91 Annual Net Loss 5,232.11 (131,515.55) 136,747.66 (103.98) Remeasurement of employee benefit obligations - 288.42 - - Comprehensive Profit (loss) for Period 5,232.11 (131,515.55) 136,747.66 (103.98
in the same period a year earlier. Rising by THB 39 million, its net profit in the second quarter of 2020 was THB 62 million compared with THB 23 million in the same period of last year. The Company’s
THB 23.1 million from 2018. The company’s profit for the year was THB 48.6 million, increased by THB 27.5 million, and its profit margin for the year was increased 130.6% from 2018. The main reasons for
beginning of this year which allows the Company to benefit from economies of scale. • Gross Profit margin in Q4/2022 was 62.9%, increased from 59.6% in Q4/2021, and Gross Profit margin in 2022 was 63.1
. 05, comparing to a net profit of THB 127. 61 million or earnings per share of THB 0. 12 from the same period of last year, a decrease of THB 187. 35 million or -146. 82% when comparing with the first