QoQ driven by ber base of AIS ) alone grew 4 onsumption. enue was Bt11,0 data substitutio revenue was B Q as a result of higher consump 2 5,812 33,542 39,355 400 26 426
region with most production was Asia (including China, but not including the Middle East) 576.8 million tons, an increase by 4.8% from the same period of previous year; where China alone had crude steel
period of previous year; where China alone had crude steel production for September 2017 was 71.8 million tons, as top rank of the world, increase by 5.3% compared to September 2016. The second most
Bonds must meet, in addition to meeting the appropriate specific Sector Criteria. 1.3. The need for Waste Management Criteria The World Bank has estimated GHG emissions from waste management alone as 5
. Accounting department alone cannot get enough cooperation from other departments to send information for the preparation of financial statements in time. The management and those in charge of governance need
(traditional trade) เดิมบริษัทฯ ได้แต่งตัง้บริษัทกระจำยสินค้ำขนำดใหญ่รำยหนึ่ง เป็นผู้กระจำยสินค้ำในช่องทำงดังกลำ่ว มีผลตัง้แต่ช่วงไตรมำส 1/2561 ต่อมำในไตรมำส 2/2562 บริษัทฯได้พิจำรณำยกเลิกสญัญำกบัผู้กระจำยรำยดัง
ลำ้นบำท ลดลงรอ้ยละ 41.66 รำยไดจ้ำกกำรขำยในประเทศลดลงรอ้ยละ 43.82 เมื่อเทียบกบัปีก่อนเป็นผล จำกกำรที่บริษัทฯไดร้บัผลกระทบจำกช่องทำงขำยแบบดั้งเดิม (traditional trade) เดิมบริษัทฯไดแ้ต่งตั้งบริษัทกระจำย
declined by 11.3% YoY to 26,185mn in 1Q 2017/18. The TV sector with the highest market share at 66.3% fell 13.7% YoY to THB 17,359mn and Traditional media (Newspaper, Magazines and Radio) with a 13.1% market
progress came merely from distributing through certain traditional trade and modern trade channels ICUK successfully signed in for listing year to date only. As a consequence, ICUK has reshaped its business
167k cans in the 1st quarter of 2017 to 368k cans in the 2nd quarter of 2017, such progress came merely from distributing through certain traditional trade and modern trade channels ICUK successfully