1,831.9 538.1 29.4 Deficit from business combination (22.9) (22.9) - - Total equity 11,331.1 10,793.0 538.1 5.0 Statement of Financial Position Change Analysis of Financial Position 10 Assets Total assets
3,896.0 3,896.0 - - Retained earnings - Unappropriated 2,780.2 1,831.9 948.3 51.8 Deficit from business combination (22.9) (22.9) - - Total equity 11,741.3 10,793.0 948.3 8.8 Statement of Financial Position
’ Changing Demand After You continues to launch new product with the introduction of “Croffle”, a combination of waffle and croissant pastry, that comes in 5 flavors which are Plain, Noir&Amber, Honey Cheddar
- Unappropriated 3,549.3 3,005.7 543.6 18.1 Deficit from business combination (22.9) (22.9) - - Non-controlling interests 27.5 - 27.5 N.A. (>100) Total equity 12,563.9 11,992.8 571.1 4.8 Statement of Financial
- Unappropriated 3,960.6 3,005.7 954.9 31.8 Deficit from business combination (22.9) (22.9) - - Non-controlling interests 37.5 - 37.5 N.A. (>100) Total equity 12,985.2 11,992.8 992.4 8.3 Statement of Financial
3,005.7 1,303.3 43.4 Deficit from business combination (22.9) (22.9) - - Non-controlling interests 53.2 - 53.2 N.A. (>100) Total equity 13,368.5 11,992.8 1,375.7 11.5 Statement of Financial Position Change
- - Share Premium 3,896.0 3,896.0 - - Retained earnings - Appropriated - Legal reserve 45.2 45.2 - - Retained earnings - Unappropriated 4,811.9 4,309.0 502.9 11.7 Deficit from business combination (22.9
business combination (22.9) (22.9) - - Non-controlling interests 57.8 53.2 4.6 8.6 Total equity 14,244.3 13,368.5 875.8 6.6 Change Analysis of Financial Position 9 Assets Total assets as at 30 September 2022
combination (22.9) (22.9) - - Non-controlling interests 59.6 53.2 6.4 12.0 Total equity 14,184.7 13,368.5 816.2 6.1 Change Analysis of Financial Position 9 Assets Total assets as at 31 December 2022 and 31
complicated than plain debt securities as it is a combination of debt securities and derivatives. An investment in the structured notes involves in a few risk factors such as underlying risk, credit risk of