securities company shall have the following qualifications: (1) Having academic qualification and work experience in accordance with the following rules, except being granted an exemption by the Office: (a) In
company shall have the following qualifications: (1) Having academic qualification and work experience in accordance with the following rules, except being granted an exemption by the Office: (a) In respect
exchanges must be exchanged with baht or cryptocurrencies listed on the notification.SEC Board has also approved the exemption on the offering of utility token that is ready to use at the day of offering
some of its regulations for offers via private placement to related parties or investors who can look after themselves. The offers will be permitted as public offerings, with an exemption of duties for
deductions of up to 30 percent of their assessable income, at an amount not exceeding 100,000 baht, for investments in Thailand ESG Funds. This includes the exemption of taxes on capital gain or benefits
) register the bonds with the Thai Bond Market Association (ThaiBMA) in all cases. In this regard, the SEC would grant a temporary exemption to the roll-over of outstanding non-investment grade bonds** to
constitutes the exemption or postponement of debt repayment or the adjustment of repayment schedules, without considering it as an event of default; (2) Extending the maturity period for the redemption of all
from submitting a registration statement and draft prospectus under the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission concerning Exemption from Submitting a Registration Statement for Offer for
this Notification, the CIS operator may submit requisition for a waiver of submitting such information or evidentiary documentation. For deliberation of requisition for a waiver under Paragraph 2, the
Ref. 66/2018 November 27, 2018 Subject : Waiver of rights to purchase ordinary shares of Dhipaya Bodin Co., Ltd. To : Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand The Board of Directors