transaction is considered commercially viable, the price of AJP shares to be issued for share swap at 8 baht per share is not appropriate. The said view coincided with the opinion expressed by the independent
Bangkok, January 21, 2013 ? The SEC participated in the International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR)?s global survey with a view to making further progress in improving audit quality
, former president, and (2) Ms. Supaporn Lapvisuthsin senior executive vice president, had jointly conspired to commit such actions. The SEC is of view that the two persons dishonestly violated their duties
The SEC approved guidelines for IPO shares allocation with the view to enhance transparency and set up mechanism for distributing shares to the public. Although, issuers and underwriters are still
The SEC approved guidelines for IPO shares allocation with the view to enhance transparency and set up mechanism for distributing shares to the public. Although, issuers and underwriters are still
With a view to elevating corporate governance of listed companies, the SEC aims for all of them to comply with the 15 CG principles, place importance on roles and duties of directors including
, change patterns in tourism, and adversely impact economic growth. Poverty, inequality, and ageing population continue to be social challenges. As of 2014, 7.1 million Thais were still living in poverty
domestic tourism, including expand tourism covering various areas. Thus, the Company aims to find new additional areas and partnerships for caravan and covering various areas in Thailand, such as beach view
Food Holding Co., Ltd. is a spouse of a director and an executive of EIC.The independent financial advisor (IFA) is of the view that the shareholders should not approve the transaction because the
view that cooperation among all market participants will bring about production of higher quality investment research with wider coverage, particularly listed company where investor relation unit and top