สิ่งที่ส่งมาด้วย 1 รายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับการจัดทำ Standard Data Format ของชุดข้อมูล single form และแนวทางจัดการและโอนย้ายข้อมูลระหว่างผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ (แนบ กลต.นธ.(ว) 35/2565)
non-compliances were resulted from failures to record employee benefit obligation in accordance with Thai Accounting Standard No. 19 ?Employee Benefits? prescribed by Accounting Standard Committee
Mr.Anugul Khumgerd Mr.Anukul Khumgerd, jointly with other alleged persons, operated mutual fund management in Thailand under the name of "Standard Morgan" without proper licenses granted
Miss Anongporn ThaninTharathan Miss Anongporn Thanintharatorn, jointly with other alleged persons, operated mutual fund management in Thailand under the name of "Standard Morgan" without
due diligence checklist before investing in complex financial products to promote business standard and competitiveness. SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak said that the SEC approved the AIMC?s
Reporting Standard No. 11 (Revised 2009) – Construction Contracts, and the Financial Reporting Standard No. 24 (Revised 2012) – Related Party Disclosures. Later, T submitted the rectified and audited
not comply with the Financial Reporting Standard No. 11 (Revised 2009) – Construction Contracts, and the Financial Reporting Standard No. 24 (Revised 2012) – Related Party Disclosures. Later, T
Mr.Phanit Mr.Phanit (surname not available), jointly with other alleged persons, operated mutual fund management in Thailand under the name of "Standard Morgan" without proper licenses
Mr.Thanapol Mr.Thanapol (surname not available), jointly with other alleged persons, operated mutual fund management in Thailand under the name of "Standard Morgan" without proper licenses
Mr.Prasert Mr.Prasert (surname not available), jointly with other alleged persons, operated mutual fund management in Thailand under the name of "Standard Morgan" without proper licenses