569.79 46.5% 683.88 53.1% 114.09 20.0% Non-Current asset 324.39 26.4% 308.75 24.0% (15.64) (4.8%) Total Assets 1,225.98 100.0% 1,288.51 100.0% 62.53 5.1% Liabilities Current liability 77.35 6.3% 86.80 6.7
100.0% 62.53 5.1% Liabilities Current liability 77.35 6.3% 86.80 6.7% 9.45 12.2% Non-Current liability 28.99 2.4% 34.54 2.7% 5.55 19.1% Total liabilities 106.34 8.7% 121.34 9.4% 15.00 14.1% Net Assets
%) Right to use assets - - 131.79 8.7% 131.79 - Non-Current asset 419.12 30.5% 426.50 28.0% 7.38 1.8% Total Assets 1,372.78 100.0% 1,520.95 100.0% 148.17 10.8% Liabilities Current liability 118.33 8.6
liability and right-of-use assets under TFRS 16. Liabilities As at March 31, 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries had the total liabilities of THB 817.13 million, which was 16.93% of the total assets
1,226.79 100.0% 1,334.75 100.0% 107.96 8.8% Liabilities Current liability 77.35 6.3% 110.83 8.3% 33.48 43.3% Non-Current liability 29.96 2.4% 57.90 4.3% 27.94 93.3% Total liabilities 107.31 8.7% 168.73 12.6
year 2017 which was equivalent to 3.08 times. • Inventory turnover ratio was 2.91 times decreased from the year 2017, which was equivalent to 3.37 times due to lower production costs. Liability and Off
Product Company Limited”) - Short – term loans from and accrued interest – related company decreased by 40 MB due to the subsidiary repay debt to the related company 40 MB. - Other current liability
previous year as the revenue recognition on progress measurement method towards complete satisfaction of the performance obligation on construction service contract that has continuously awarded since 2018
repayment. 3. Recorded liability under lease agreement over 1 year in second quarter of 2020 increased by Baht 117.92 million (according to Thai Financial Reporting Standards TFRS 16 "Leases"). 4. Employee
in supplier and contractor. 2. Long – term loan from financial institutions was Baht 756 million increased by Baht 50 million due to repayment. 3. Recorded liability under lease agreement over 1 year