accounting period and forward looking statements, as well as the accounting policies and reasons given for applying such policies.?
เศรษฐกิจและการพัฒนา (OECD) บรรยายในหัวข้อ “Responsible Business Conduct: Respecting Human Rights through Due Diligence and Way Forward”นายประสิทธิ์ บุญดวงประเสริฐ ประธานคณะผู้บริหาร บริษัท เจริญโภคภัณฑ์อาหาร
work divisions, and the appointments of deputy secretaries-general and assistant secretaries-general. The new organizational strategy aims to push forward capital market development in accordance with
The event is with the objective to continuously drive forward the Thai capital market because SEC recognizes the significance of the encouragement and development of knowledge regarding finance
regulatory sandbox can be a protocol for further bond market development and other work processes in the capital market in the future. This regulatory sandbox is a major step forward and an important part
additional costs and are obstacles to extend the fund size at the initial stage. Therefore, SEC has put forward the amendments to the regulations on the limitations on unitholding in mutual funds. The
, private consumption growth turned out to be stronger than expected, boosted by car sales which had accelerated since late 2017 after demand for car purchases was brought forward in response to the 2012-2013
construction phases for eight projects with a total value of Baht 171 billion. In addition, the government pushed forward its policies to help the grass roots, such as the “Public-Private Collaboration” scheme
moving the Company office. 10. Transaction Type : Acquisition or Disposal of Assets : Category 2 classified under the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand 11. Consideration of Transaction Value
decorating, moving, including the continuity of business operations due to the main office is located at the same building that the company rent. For your acknowledgment Yours sincerely, - Signed by – (Miss