department store was opened in April and other retail tenants are in the process of store fit-out. Hence, the occupancy rate is expected to increase throughout the year. “TRIBHUM”, the world’s first 3D
the period ended 31 March 2023 and 2022 are presented below: Q1-2022 Q1-2023 Sales and service income THB Mn THB Mn THB Mn % Sales of electricity - FiT, base tariff and Ft 806.7 851.2 44.5 5.5% FiT
institutions must also pass a fit and proper test, and can be rejected and removed by the BoT. Guidelines for banks and other financial institutions have additional norms, including a risk committee for the
climate-related issues 3) Whether the organization has assigned climate-related responsibilities to management level committees 4) Whether such management committees report to the board 5) Are the
, settlement, and depository services with respect to securities reviewed, monitored, and examined, according to an examination plan specifically designed to suit the level of risks for the particular
หรือเทียบเคียงกันไดก้ับ ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจปจัจบุันเพื่อคงไว้ซ่ึงมำตรฐำนกำรคุ้มครองผู้ลงทนุ และเพื่อใหผู้้ประกอบธุรกิจทุกรำยอยู่ใน level-playing field เดียวกนั ส ำนักงำนขอเรียนว่ำ independent investment
Exchange rate Net loss on exchange rate amounting to THB 21m reflected unrealized loss from foreign exchange rate of foreign currency borrowing at a property-level. Nonetheless, the Company, in December 2019
the period ended 30 September 2021 and 2020 are presented below: Q3-2020 Q2-2021 Q3-2021 9M-2020 9M-2021 Change THB Mn THB Mn THB Mn %QoQ %YoY THB Mn THB Mn %YoY Sales of electricity - FiT, base tariff
EBITDA margin has expanded from 6.4% in 2013 to 13.5% in 3Q17. More recently, Returns on Equity and on Capital Employed have surpassed the double-digit level. Specifically, for 3Q17, IVL achieved core
per ton of $153, the highest level that has been achieved since the Company’s IPO. Driven by our global scale of integrated Polyester Value Chain and HVA platform, and the start of earnings recovery in