was an increase of THB 333.3 Mn or 15.3% and was mainly due to the increased in revenue from sales and service. The reasons for the increase was mainly due to (1) the opening of new branches, (2) the
income The company had revenue from sale for Q3/2017 ended September 30, 2017 of Baht 92.19 million, compare with the same period of previous year amount to Baht 70.65 million which increase Baht 21.54
million baht compare with performance of the same period of the prior year appear as comprehensive net income 1.29 million baht, increase in net loss from the same period of the prior year 16.63 million
441.89 million increased from the same period of year 2016 by Baht 59.68 million or 15.61 percent. The major reasons of the increase in revenues from sales were due to the effective sales and marketing
Company THB 122.62 million compare with performance for the prior year appear as comprehensive operating net Profit of the Company THB 0.79 million, increase in Profit from the prior year THB 121.83 million
international practice. The new regulations will offer the investing public an alternative instrument for real estate investment and provide more flexibility in real estate investment management. The
aims at adding more flexibility to asset types, diversifying fund?s portfolio and calculating derivatives investment in line with international standards. In addition, the fund classifications will also
in case of complaints or issues on misconduct of directors or executives of listed companies under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) to enhance flexibility of work process and
flexibility and clarity. The revisions include, for instance, allowing issuance of structured notes denominated in Thai and foreign currencies; harmonizing issuers? types and qualifications both in public
AIS PLAY video platform, AIS has started to implement a fixed-mobile-content (FMC) convergence strategy to acquire/retain quality customer segments in order to increase revenue per household in the long