% q-on-q declining gas price (despite a 1.0% y-on-y increase) and 3) new industrial-user (IUs) clients. EBITDA margin also improved to new-high level of 28.3%, thanks to contributions from Vietnam solar
debenture with the commitment amount not exceeding Baht 2,000,000,000, the details of which are as follows: Purpose : To increase the liquidity and/or repay the debt and/or redeem the existing debentures and
increase more channels to distribute the Planet’s products as well. Moreover, this disposition of the existing Planet’s ordinary shares was held by the Company at the proportion of 43% of the Planet’s total
38,459 million in net profit, increasing Baht 4,121 million or 12.00 percent compared to the year before. The increase was mainly due to a decrease of Baht 9,278 million or 22.19 percent in allowance for
reaffirms IVL’s commitment to leadership in sustainability and its rating among global chemical companies. IVL, already a leading recycling business, has committed to further increase its use of post
ซึง่ชว่ยเพิม่ brand loyalty และ market reach SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) Inclusion Toolkit for Organizations and Business: LGBTQI+ Insights to Increase Inclusion for All • เนือ้หาแค ่15 หน้า
ที1 over hedge (คาํนวณจาก notional value / NAV) ไปคาํนวณรวมใน derivatives limit ตาม commitment approach ดว้ย (2) การคาํนวณ counterparty limit ที1ใหมี้การ netting สัญญาภายใตคู้่สัญญาเดียวกนัได ้ทาํให
sustainability awards demonstrating a solid commitment and responsibility of ESG aspects for the sustainability. In November 2019, B.Grimm received the Best Investor Relations Awards among the group of listed
emphasized to ensure B.Grimm’s commitment to healthy and sustainable growth. Q1’2020 NNP to owner grew 54.0% y-on-y Despite unfavorable economy situation, B.Grimm reported Q1’2020 results with a 9.4% y-on-y
strategy, management approach, transparency, and governance that increase the likelihood that an Enterprise is operating sustainably and contributing positively to the SDGs. They do not provide a guarantee