, electrical charging and hydrogen refuelling installations for personal mobility devices. Rail transport: for electrified trackside infrastructure and associated subsystems: infrastructure, energy, on-board
. Rail transport: for electrified trackside infrastructure and associated subsystems: infrastructure, energy, on-board https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/LawsandRegulations/ResourceCenter
profiles. As mutual funds? features have become increasingly complicated, it is imperative that investors have clear and accurate understanding about the products and their associated risks. This is to help
markets. Regarding investor protection, the SEC would issue associated rules requiring that the information on the fund?s forex derivatives investment which is not for hedging purpose be clearly disclosed
funding portal operation and suitability test in order to mitigate fraud risks and ensure that investors will be informed of risks associated with investment in SMEs, in particular startups, and liquidity
underlying securities. For investors, an increase of underlying securities for DW not only provides a wider variety of investment choices but also more tools for hedging against risk associated with the
appropriate amount of paid-up registered capital by taking into account the nature of business and associated risks can lighten the burdens of intermediaries, especially small-sized securities companies or
of interest prevention, internal control and risk management. The consultation papers on the regulation on REIT unit issuance and offering and seven associated rules are available on the SEC website
-Tax Invoice, listed companies? costs associated with paperwork and document storage as well as the chances of fraud and corruption will be lessen. Moreover, managing transaction records through
associated and investment returns will be clearly and sufficiently included in prospectus. The consultation paper is available on the SEC website at www.sec.or.th. Stakeholders and interested parties are