, domestic demand would be restrained by elevated household debt, some signs of moderation in earnings and employment in the export-related manufacturing sector, as well as public spending and public
household debt remained elevated, economic expansion had yet to benefit household income in a broad-based manner, and the low level of some agricultural price resulting in a gradual improvement. Private
household debt remained elevated, economic expansion had yet to benefit household income in a broad-based manner, and the low level of some agricultural price resulting in a gradual improvement. Private
. On the domestic front, elevated household debt remains a constraint to purchasing power. In the meantime, domestic political situation also warrants monitoring as the government is preparing for an
industrial countries that could affect domestic demand as well as geopolitical risks. In addition, there remained downside risks pertaining to domestic factors such as elevated household debt, impacts from
industrial countries that could affect domestic demand as well as geopolitical risks. In addition, there remained downside risks pertaining to domestic factors such as elevated household debt, impacts from
ได้จำกกำรให้เช่ำและบริกำร เพิม่ขึน้ 23.3 ลา้นบาท หรอื 18.6% เน่ืองจากพืน้ทีเ่ช่าทีเ่พิม่ขึน้ (Little Walk Pattaya เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืนพฤศจกิายน 2561 และ Index Mall ชยัพฤกษ์ เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืน มนีาคม
จากพืน้ทีเ่ช่าทีเ่พิม่ขึน้ (Index Mall บางนา เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืนกนัยายน 2561 Little Walk Pattaya เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืนพฤศจกิายน 2561 และ Index Mall ชยัพฤกษ์ เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืนมนีาคม 2562) *มูลคา่อาจ
analysis of accounts receivable aging and assessment of past debt collection experience. Accordingly, the Corporate Group has experienced very little bad debts and has not found any irregularity in 2017 and
, the Corporate Group has experienced very little bad debts and has not found any irregularity in 2017 and there was no bad debt in the past year 2016. (3.2) Inventory and Deterioration or Obsolete The