raising activities both in equity and debt securities including the details of the fund mobilizers by industry, companies and individual instruments.SEC has been continuously developing the open data
procedures and expenses. Furthermore, capital market tools currently available do not respond to SMEs’ needs. Therefore, SEC is now developing new rules to add more fund mobilization options for SMEs that
ASEAN Secretariat. The meeting was held at the SEC Office Building on 23 August 2019.The meeting was set to focus on updating further progresses of ACMF Working Groups, with key topics on developing the
government agencies in developing the work of forensic science in accordance with international standards._________________________
การกำกับดูแล (SupTech) และพัฒนาการของตลาดทุนในกลุ่มตลาดเกิดใหม่ (Emerging Markets) นอกจากนี้ นางศิษฏศรี ได้ร่วมเป็นผู้เสวนาในช่วงการสัมมนา GEMC Workshop หัวข้อ Developing Green Finance and Increasing
at promoting and developing e-Filing service to facilitate and broaden channels for the financial statements submission. The project is expected to bring about more efficiency information service and
problems and developing the well-being of the community, society, public health or the environment, without pursuing the highest returns for shareholders. Since the rule would require that social enterprises
SEC and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) are developing a bilateral agreement for cross-border fund offerings under the HK-TH MRF project with the main objective of facilitating mutual
well progress in developing its computer system but so far technical issue is the most important problem due to securities companies? different internal software applications. As a result, there are
, mutual funds and financial instruments. SEC has publicized open APIs disclosing mutual fund information and adopted the machine-readable reporting method for the benefit of business operators in developing