long experience in retail business have proved supportive of CPN’s continuous growth and achieving fair financial and non-financial performance. In addition, the service fee and the terms and conditions
, an increase of 3,172.66 million baht or 6.67% from the same period of the prior year. The increasing was due to the continuous hire purchase loan expansion, particularly from trucks. Total hire
financial position. The total assets were 50,703.72 million baht, an increase of 3,172.66 million baht or 6.67% from the same period of the prior year. The increasing was due to the continuous hire purchase
1,159.94 million baht in the year 2018 which decrease of 416.24 million baht or (35.88%) because in the year 2019, the company has plans to development the internal organization. To support the continuous
and expenses as much as possible to adjust to the continuous decline in revenue due to the effects of the current economic situation, which is expected to continue through the year 2020. In the Tooling
implementation of strategic measures in reducing our fixed costs in our continuous effort to survive in the difficult period currently. Also, the Group is taking full advantages from the various stimulus packages
expenses in FY2020/21 shown a significant decrease of Baht 46.3 million as compared to FY2019/20. The continuous cost reduction activities and enhanced austerity drive are the main reasons for the savings to
required to hold shareholders’ equity as a minimum capital requirement to assure their sufficient capital for continuous business operations https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8251 SEC
required to hold shareholders’ equity as a minimum capital requirement to assure their sufficient capital for continuous business operations https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8251 SEC
required to hold shareholders’ equity as a minimum capital requirement to assure their sufficient capital for continuous business operations https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8251 SEC