carried on and the important events in the development of the issuer's business, e.g. information concerning the nature and results of any material reclassification, merger or consolidation of the issuer or
% Inventories 9,461 7,684 7,297 23.1% 29.7% Investments in associated 536 593 0 (9.5%) N/A Consolidation goodwill 438 450 307 (2.5%) 42.9% Property, plant and equipment 8,177 7,302 5,966 12.0% 37.1% Other assets
% from the same period of the last year, which was driven by an increases in net selling space from newly opened store under our hardline retailing in Thailand category as well as the consolidation of our
marketing promotion activities of mobile operators after the consolidation within the industry became clear. In addition, the Company had gross profit from digital content of THB 18.91 million, increased by
value when converting their operating results from local currencies to Thai Baht for the consolidation of financial statements. The Manufacturing and Selling of Toolings and Metal Fabrications, which is
when converting their operating results from local currencies to Thai Baht for the consolidation of financial statements. The Manufacturing and Selling of Toolings and Metal Fabrications, which is solely
also affected by the strengthening of Thai Baht, which resulted in a decline in total value when converting their operating results from local currencies to Thai Baht for the consolidation of financial
for the consolidation of financial statements. The Manufacturing and Selling of Toolings and Metal Fabrications, which is solely from Halcyon Metal Co., Ltd. or “HM” in 3-month period ended 31 March
661 6664-5 Ref.No.IVL002/10/2018 11th October 2018 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: The Establishment of a New Indirect Subsidiary Company and Merger of
growing 4.1% YoY and 1% QoQ following growth in mobile postpaid segment, fixed broadband, and full-quarter consolidation of CSL. AIS kept on building brand awareness of the NEXT G network, now available in