most recently, the Growth and Emerging Market Steering Committee. The SEC has placed importance and played active roles in various IOSCO projects and implementing the IOSCO principles and standards. The
สร้างคุณค่าให้แก่กิจการอย่างยั่งยืน (Establish Clear Leadership Role and Responsibilities of the Board) หลักปฏบิตั ิ2 กาหนดวัตถุประสงค์และเป้าหมายหลักของกิจการที่เป็นไปเพื่อความยั่งยืน (Define Objectives
Ministry of Finance. The approval criteria include clear disclosure of information, fairness and compliance ? there must be no grounds of suspicion regarding the issuer's intention to avoid regulatory
to disclose this information to warn investors before they make investment decisions. For example, leasehold property funds (Type1), which are prohibited from investing in new assets, must give clear
. However, attending the said board meeting does not clear any directors from wrongdoings in the past. If any of them are found to have obstructed a shareholders meeting or prevented it from taking place
the invitation letters to shareholders meetings, and so forth, in order for listed companies and shareholders to have clear practice guidelines, and the Boards of Directors shall have sufficient
regulations focus more on clear and adequate information disclosure for investment decision making,? said Vorapol.
of Business Operation: Derivatives agents must have in place (1) clear organization structure, (2) working system that prevents conflict of interest and the leak of information, (3) risk management
letters to all financial advisers requiring them to rigorously perform their due diligence work in preparing IPO applications. Emphasis are placed on 4 main aspects: (1) clear shareholding structure, (2
actively managing strategies for ETFs, i.e., active ETFs, in addition to the existing passive ETFs; 2. Streamlining consideration procedure for underlying index which will be further contemplated for