, reimbursement of investigative expenses incurred by the SEC, suspension of trading in securities or derivatives contracts, and bar from serving as a director or executive in a securities issuing company or a
-29.07% Import 3,526,841 2,919,975 -17.21% Export 305,541 401,355 31.36% Consumption 5,628,593 4,226,064 -24.92% Source : Iron and Steel Institiute of Thailand, by Steel Business Intelligence Bar & Section
IPOS (แสดง bar code) (2) เอกสารท่ีเก่ียวข้อง ตามท่ีระบใุนแบบรายงานผลการขาย เชน่ ส าเนาข้อก าหนดสิทธิ (ถ้ามี) ส าเนาสญัญาแตง่ตัง้ผู้แทนผู้ ถือหุ้นกู้ /ตราสาร (ถ้ามี) หนงัสือรับทราบข้อจ ากดัการโอนของนาย
of previous year consisting of the long finished steel consumption at 6.97 MT, decreasing 7.30% resulting from the less consumption of bar and structural steel and the flat finished steel consumption
million metric tons, increasing 4.79% compared to the previous year consisting of the long finished steel consumption at 5.77 million metric tons, increasing 2.15% resulting from the more consumption of bar
consumption at 5.77 million metric tons, increasing 2.15% resulting from the more consumption of bar and structural steel and wire rods while the flat finished steel consumption at 11.68 million metric tons
the less consumption of bar and structural steel and the flat finished steel consumption at 5.90 million metric tons, decreasing 1.09% resulting from the demand of Hot Rolled Steel and Cold Rolled Steel
% compared to the same period of previous year consisting of the long finished steel consumption at 2.74 million metric tons, decreasing 5.36% resulting from the less consumption of bar and structural steel
% compared to the same period of previous year consisting of the long finished steel consumption at 4.37 million metric tons, increasing 3.47% resulting from the more consumption of bar and structural steel
9.51% resulting from the less consumption of bar and structural steel and the flat finished steel consumption at 8.79 million metric tons, decreasing 2.28% resulting from the demand of Hot Rolled Steel