ำหรับ traditional broker ท่ีมีกำรท ำธุรกรรมในฐำนะตวัแทนลูกคำ้ ดงันั้น ส ำนกังำนจึงเห็นควรใหผู้ใ้หบ้ริกำร investment advisor สำมำรถต่อยอดกำรใหบ้ริกำรใหค้ ำแนะน ำ/ วำงแผนกำรลงทุน โดยส่งต่อค ำสั่งซ้ือขำย
the country aligning to the vision of “World Class Product, World Class Brand”, but also providing higher gross profit margin for domestic energy drink as compared to the traditional energy drink. For
ลำ้นบำท และ 190.24 ลำ้นบำท ลดลงรอ้ยละ 5.93 รำยไดจ้ำกกำรขำยในประเทศลดลงรอ้ยละ 15.94 เมื่อเทียบกบัช่วง เดียวกนัของปีก่อนเป็นผลจำกกำรที่บริษัทฯไดร้บัผลกระทบจำกช่องทำงขำยแบบดัง้เดิม (traditional trade) ที่
moving away from traditional services towards value enhancement such as cross-selling and upselling to better monetize heightened customer demands. Furthermore, operators continue encouraging 5G adoption
a warrant for the establishment of an enforcement officer 1.2 Muse Group Bangkok Co., Ltd. is a debtor in the Hiring Contract for Golf European Thailand Classic project. Afterwards, the debtor failed
) Ripple (XRP) and (4) Stellar (XLM). Also, three other cryptocurrencies have been removed from the list, namely (1) Bitcoin Cash (BCH), (2) Ethereum Classic (ETC) and (3) Litecoin (LTC). In any case, the
) Business purpose: Provide fiber optic network in the industrial park of Sahapat Group Registered capital: 300,000 shares at 100 Baht per share, in total of 30,000,000 Baht Paid-up capital: Not yet paid-up
efforts of all units involved. KASIKORN SECURITIES PCL has developed investment technologies plus varied functions in alignment with investor behavior in the digital era, driving the company to garner a
Thailand’s requirements of 11.50 percent and 9.00 percent, respectively. B All of the above endeavors and satisfactory operating performance allowed KBank and K Companies to meet business targets while also
Muse Group Bangkok Co., Ltd. is in debt to the Company according to the purchase agreement to run the project “Golf European Thailand Classic”. However, the debtor defaulted the refund as stated in the