baht in this quarter compared to previous year. These costs were higher during the period from the additional costs incurred for repairing and maintaining the aging aircraft. Cost of Passenger Services
previous year. These costs were higher during the period from the additional costs incurred for repairing and maintaining the aging aircraft. Cost of Passenger Services: in the first quarter of year 2018
may restrict the import or export of capital, or affect the issuer’s ability to make payment to non-resident holders, they shall be disclosed in the registration statement. D. Statement by Experts If
located throughout Thailand. As of March 31,2020, 44.0% of net value of our NPAs were located in Bangkok and vicinity and 52.0% of net value of our NPAs were Resident properties. The following tables sets
52.0% of net value of our NPAs were Resident properties. The following tables sets forth certain details of our NPAs by region as of the date indicated. As of December 31, As of March 31, 2017 2018 2019
เปิดบญัชีแบบเปิดเผยช่ือ - กรณีลูกคา้ท่ีเป็น Non-Resident (NR) สามารถลงทุนไดโ้ดยไม่ตอ้งขออนุญาตจาก ธปท. * โดยผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจตอ้งมีมาตรการในการด าเนินการป้องกนัมิให้ลูกคา้เบิกถอนเงินหรือทรัพยสิ์นในบญัชีท่ี
baht to 2,775.9 million baht for the nine-month period comparing to the previous year. These costs mainly incurred for repairing and maintaining the aging aircraft and “Maintenance Reserve Fund” for new
costs were higher from the delivery of additional aircrafts. There was also some additional costs incurred for repairing and maintaining the aging aircraft in low travelling period. Aircraft Rental Costs
lease agreement. Hence, such costs were higher during the period from the delivery of additional aircrafts. There were also some additional costs incurred for repairing and maintaining the aging aircraft
million baht for year 2017 comparing to the previous year. These increasing costs were largely due to some additional costs incurred for repairing and maintaining the aging aircraft. There were also derived