comparing on accounting valuation of River Kwai International food . Transaction Size 0.09% of Net Tangible Asset on June 30, 2018 is considered by only medium size which is more than 1 million Baht by less
par value of 10 Baht per share. The purpose of such capital increase is to use as working capital, invest in purchasing land and for the construction of real estate projects. However, the size of the
Acts of Listed Companies Concerning Connected Transaction, 2003 dated 19 November 2003 (as amended). Base on the Company’s consolidated financial statements as of 31 December, 2019, the total size of the
with a large offering size, and benefit fund mobilization in the capital market.?The proposed rules would be imposed on cornerstone participation in an IPO with a minimum offering size of 5 billion baht
minimum size of infrastructure trust is set at 10,000 million baht, providing further that if investing in two or more projects, the size of each project must be at least 3,000 million baht. For units of
of Malaysia is the highest (2.66), while that of Thailand and Singapore are 2.61 and 1.93, respectively. However, when considering the size of listed companies in terms of market capitalization, it is
period 6 months. Borrower Lender Loan (MB) Interest Rate Value (MB) Size of Transaction Release Date JSP 1. Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon. 2. Mr.Preecha Sawatyanon 70 60 6% per annum 7.80 0.15% NTA 24/2/2017 JSP
Lender Loan (MB) Interest Rate Value (MB) Size of Transaction Release Date JSP 1. Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon. 2. Mr.Preecha Sawatyanon 70 60 6% per annum 7.80 0.15% NTA 24/2/2017 JSP Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon
. Borrower Lender Loan (MB) Interest Rate Value (MB) Size of Transaction Release Date JSP 1. Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon. 2. Mr.Preecha Sawatyanon 70 60 6% per annum 7.80 0.15% NTA 24/2/2017 JSP Mr. Pongsak
. 6. Transaction Size According to Notification of Connected Transaction The Transaction is considered as connected party transaction as prescribed in the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory