/2017. However, the gross profit in Q3/2017 increased by Baht 153 million or 15% from Q3/2016 because the customers at Rayong Power Utilities Plant purchased more electricity and steam together with the
ให้ชัดเจน ในหมายเหตุประกอบงบการเงินด้วย 2. หลักทรัพย์ซื้อโดยมีสัญญาขายคืน (Securities purchased under resale agreements) หมายถึง การให้กู้ยืมเงินโดยมีข้อตกลงที่จะรับโอนสินทรัพย์ทางการเงินจากอีกฝ่ายหนึ่ง
ในหมายเหตุประกอบงบการเงินด้วย 2. หลักทรัพย์ซื้อโดยมีสัญญำขำยคืน (Securities purchased under resale agreements) หมายถึง การให้กู้ยืมเงินโดยมีข้อตกลงที่จะรับโอนสินทรัพย์ทางการเงินจากอีกฝ่ายหนึ่ง โดยการ
liabilities received from the interest acquired in associated company, the Star Energy Group Holding Pte. Ltd., in Q3/2017, to invest in the Geothermal Power Plant project in Indonesia. The assessment was
Annual Report 2009 1 Annual Report 20092 Over the past year, the Thai economy experienced a recession for the first time since the Asian economic crisis in 1997. The first quarter saw a 7.1 percent contraction as a result of sluggish export in the midst of global financial crisis, diminishing demand of domestic private sector, and lack of confidence in economic and political directions. All these factors played out against a backdrop of weakening economies of our trade partners worldwide, which...
DRAFT (Translation) DERIVATIVES ACT B.E. 2546 (2003) (As Amended) BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 3rd Day of July B.E. 2546; Being the 58th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law governing derivatives transactions; Whereas this Act contains certain provisions relating to the restriction of rights and liberties of persons, which Section 29, in conjunction with Section 35, Section 36, Sec...
DRAFT (Translation) DERIVATIVES ACT B.E. 2546 (2003) ( (As Amended) BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 3rd Day of July B.E. 2546; Being the 58th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law governing derivatives transactions; Whereas this Act contains certain provisions relating to the restriction of rights and liberties of persons, which Section 29, in conjunction with Section 35, Section 36, Se...
Purchased Unit จ านวนหน่วยซือ้หรอืเพิม่ (หน่วย) Decimal(23,5) 10 Purchased Value มลูคา่ซือ้หรอืเพิม่ (รวมคา่นายหนา้และ VAT) (บาท) Decimal(23,5) Y 11 Sale Unit จ านวนหน่วยขายหรอืลด (หน่วย) Decimal(23,5) 12
Increasing demand for loans which could generate pressure on liquidity in the system. 17 Operational Risk Management Operational risk refers to the risk of direct or indirect losses to a bank’s revenue or
enhance a company’s ability to generate long-term financial returns. Businesses that fail to make sufficient investments in the future can doom themselves to irrelevance. These businesses need us—their