Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) For Q1/2018 1 1. Highlights G J Steel Public Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Q1/2018 Unit: million Baht 1st Quarter 2018 1st Quarter
เนื#องจากผลต่างจากการแปลงค่างบการเงนิทําให้ส่วนของผู้ถือหุ้นลดลงจํานวน 973.16 ล้านบาท ประกอบกบัการเปลี#ยนแปลงมลูค่ายุตธิรรมของหุน้ EDL-Generation Public Company ทาํใหส้่วนของผู้ ถอืหุน้ลดลงจาํนวน 263.33
sale of 75% of VGI Global Media (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (“VGM”) for THB 360mn to Master Ad Public Company Limited (“MACO”). This transaction is expected to be completed within 3Q 2018/19. The restructuring
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) For Q2/2018 1 1. Highlights G J Steel Public Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Q2/2018 Unit: million Baht 2nd Quarter 2018 2nd Quarter
Public Company Limited (20 percent). Management Discussion and Analysis For the Three-month and Six-month Periods Ended 30 June, 201" Page 2 1.3 Secur ities Sale Deed to increase investment propor tion in
Company acquired 50% of the total ordinary shares in 4 subsidiaries of Sansiri Public Company Limited (Sansiri) at a total price of THB 75.5mn. As a result, (i) Siripat One Company Limited, (ii) Siripat Two
Thailand We, Carabao Group Public Company Limited (the “Company” or “CBG”), are pleased to submit management discussions and analysis regarding consolidated financial performance and position of the Company
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) For Q3/2018 1 1. Highlights G J Steel Public Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Q3/2018 Unit: million Baht 3rd Quarter 2018 3rd Quarter
value of the investment in EDL-Generation Public Company decreased the equity in the amount of Baht 409.78 million. Management Discussion and Analysis For the Three-month and Nine-month Periods Ended 30
Malee Group Public Company Limited and Its Subsidiaries Management Discussion and Analysis For the Third Quarter and Nine-Month Period Ended 30 September 2018 1. Q3/2018 Highlights Figure 1