financing through offer for sale of newly issued debentures, it shall be demonstrated that the person who will sell, transfer, lease or grant the rights in the infrastructure asset of the trust are committed
conduct as a professional. Clause 31 In case there is a reasonable ground to believe that the following demeanors are committed, it shall be deemed that such demeanors are prohibited characteristics in
clearing house shall disclose information about securities clearing and settlement, its members, breaches committed by its members, and punishment imposed on its members, as well as any other information
on code of conduct as a professional. Clause 31 In case there is a reasonable ground to believe that the following demeanors are committed, it shall be deemed that such demeanors are prohibited
its SPAR convenience stores and Inthanin Coffee Shops. Inthanin coffee shops has been expanded both within and outside of Bangchak’s service stations, in order to further grow its customer base
customers to instantly view. This is all done without requiring the staff at forecourt to move between the customer vehicle and the payment point, increasing convenience and the speedy of service. Also
- oil business, under the supervision of Bangchak Retail Co. , Ltd. ( “ BCR” ) is still developing and expanding its business continuously. As of Q1/2020, the number of SPAR convenience store was 44
559 locations (an increase of 67 locations YoY). BCR has entered into partnership with Grab Food and Get Food, in order to provide foods and drinks from SPAR convenience stores and Inthanin coffee shop
เงื่อนไขของหลักทรัพย ์ รวมทัง้ความเหมาะสมในการลงทุนและความเสี่ยงที่เกีย่วขอ้งเป็นอย่างดีก่อนตัดสนิใจลงทุน หากมขีอ้สงสยั ผูล้งทนุควรปรกึษาทีป่รกึษากฎหมาย ทีป่รกึษาการลงทนุ ทีป่รกึษาดา้นภาษี หรอืทีป่รกึษา
ชี่ อินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล จำกัด (มหาชน) COTTO - บริษัท เอสซีจี เซรามิกส์ จำกัด (มหาชน) CPALL - บริษัท ซีพี ออลล์ จำกัด (มหาชน) CPANEL - บริษัท ซีแพนเนล จำกัด (มหาชน) CPF - บริษัท เจริญโภคภัณฑ์อาหาร จำกัด