structural change in the business outlook of PET, and is an oppor- tunity for well-managed and committed PET producers like IVL to align supply reliability to customers. We benefitted from the instability
last year ending 31 December 2016 We have committed ourselves to strategies that emphasized on building up strong fundamentals in order to drive our businesses towards a sustainable growth organization
and management forecast. The predicted volume is based on legacy and new assets already committed, planned and announced. Such forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of this document, and
historical 2017-2018 performance and management forecast. The predicted volume is based on legacy and new assets already committed, planned and announced. Such forward-looking statements speak only as at the
the company still has total of 1,045 MW capacity in the pipeline with the SCOD by 2025 which would raise total capacity by 48% to 3,245 MW by 2025 (based on committed projects and their SCOD). SPP
and management forecast. The predicted volume is based on legacy and new assets already committed, planned and announced. Such forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of this document, and
reaffirms IVL’s commitment to leadership in sustainability and its rating among global chemical companies. IVL, already a leading recycling business, has committed to further increase its use of post
demeanors are committed, it shall be deemed that such demeanors are prohibited characteristics in Group 3: (1) there is or was [i] a misconduct against duty or service of the asset appraisal with reference to
committed by its members, and punishment imposed on its members, as well as any other information obtained during the course of business operation as a derivatives clearing house that is material when making
ภยัในกำร ยืนยนัตวัตน เพื่อสรำ้งควำมมั่นใจ และควำมสะดวกรวดเรว็ในกำรจบัจ่ำยผ่ำนบตัรเครดิตออนไลน ์ AEONTS: บรษิัท อิออน ธนสินทรพัย ์(ไทยแลนด)์ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) สรุปผลกำรด ำเนินงำนจำกงบกำรเงนิรวม 1. งบก ำไรขำด