of Baht 125.68 million or 27.65 percent according to additional investment in solar power plant of 10.0 MW, biomass of 6.8 MW and wind power of 10.0 MW in 2016 - Hotel business that company has
1,428.84 million or 45.06% due to fair value measurement of investment in Wind Energy Holding co., Ltd and Khao Kor Wind Power co., Ltd through other comprehensive income according to TFRS9 – Financial
:55 Notification to dispose of ordinary shares in RPV Energy Company Limited (2nd Amendment) 10/08/2020 08:15 Notification of the execution of the Share Purchase Agreement in Chu Prong Gia Lai Wind
increase was mainly from the increase in revenue from dessert café, which was attributed to the expansion of 6 new stores and a rise in Same-Store-Sale-Growth (SSSG) together with the increase in pop-up
increase was mainly from the increase in revenue from dessert café, which was attributed to the expansion of 6 new stores and a rise in Same-Store-Sale-Growth (SSSG) together with the increase in pop-up
operating consumer goods business with largest convenience store chain. For your information Sincerely (Mr. Chirdsak Kukiattinun) Executive Chairman
and 36% from 2019, respectively. • The decrease in operating revenue was mainly from the fall in revenue from in-store sales and the decrease in purchasing power of domestic consumers as a result of the
to the growth in sales of dessert and beverage cafés which was a result of same-store sales growth (SSSG) and the higher sales per bill, as well as the increase in After You branches. R E V EN UE
in revenue was mainly due to the growth in sales of dessert and beverage cafés, which was a result of same-store sales growth (SSSG) and the higher sales per bill, as well as the increase in After You
customer service page on SEC website. IOS phone users can download the application via the AppStore, while Android users can download via the Play Store.