0.1 Asset turnover (times) 0.4 0.6 (Enclosure 4) 16 3.4 Risk factors which may affect profit of the Company 3.4.1 Risk due to economic slowdown In 2017, due to global economic uncertainty, volatility of
, supply for Natural Fatty Alcohol was tight in some regions, as some Fatty Alcohol producers shutdown from volatility of crude palm kernel oil in quarter 2/2017. 6M/2017 Market P2F (Product to Feed) of
included revaluation of available-for-sale securities as a result of the capital market volatility. Summary of Performance of the Bank and subsidiaries Percentage 1Q18 2Q18 3Q18 4Q18 2018 1Q19 Loan growth
มีวัตถปุระสงค์เพือ่สร้ำง ผลตอบแทนสทุธิที่สงูกว่ำดัชนี The Secured Overnight Finance Rate (SOFR) 2% ในช่วง ระยะเวลำกำรลงทุนมำกกว่ำ 3 ปี โดยมีค่ำควำมผนัผวน (volatility) ต ่ำกว่ำ 5% ในสภำวะ ตลำดปกติ รวม
temporarily. For private investments, that decreased from the same period of last year in all sectors from instability of the economy, except for ongoing projects of improvement, maintenance and automation
available-for-sale securities as a result of the capital market volatility. For the 4Q17, consolidated net profit totaled Baht 1,305 million, a decrease of 10.2% from Baht 1,452 million for 4Q16 while the
revaluation of available-for-sale securities as a result of the capital market volatility. For the 4Q17, consolidated net profit totaled Baht 1,305 million, a decrease of 10.2% from Baht 1,452 million for 4Q16
the Edible Oil market if highly competitive and the Edible Oil refining service might reduce the risk of CPO’s price volatility, where the refining services price were established by using a comparable
refining service might reduce the risk of CPO’s price volatility, where the refining services price were established by using a comparable approach based on the market price in the Palm Oil refinery industry
competitive and the Edible Oil ref ining service might reduce the r isk of CPO’s price volatility, where the ref ining services price were established by using a comparable approach based on the market price in