approximately 600,000 ? 700,000 baht. Since then, his client told him to stop trading, but he traded again on January 5-6, 2012. Theera admitted he had traded derivatives for his client during aforementioned
him to stop trading, but he traded again on January 5-6, 2012. {A} admitted he had traded derivatives for his client during aforementioned period and also made trading decisions during January 5-6, 2012
shall prepare a monthly account, and when derivatives business operators stop doing businesses or are suspended from operating their businesses to segregate customer assets from the derivatives broker
getting infection to stop the spread of COVID-19. As a result, people in the area are panicked and hoard the consumer products in stores to prepare for emergency. Causing the revenue from retail of the
ตาม หลักเกณฑของธุรกิจของผูประกอบธุรกิจหลักทรัพยท่ีมีการใหบริการแผนการลงทุนในลักษณะ portfolio2 (2) การกําหนดอัตราขาดทุนสูงสุด (stop-loss limit) ผูประกอบธุรกิจสามารถเลือกกําหนด stop-loss limit ของ
company to establish Vanachai Wood Smith Co., Ltd. which will process a business as the exhibition and product promotion center for Vanachai Group. The distribution will be one stop service for wholesale
, which increased by Baht 26.18 million or 27.87 %. The main reason was due to the company has derivatives products, which are Single Stock Futures Block Trade and Derivatives Warrants. 4. The Consolidated
' structure notes securities with embedded options 3 exotic derivatives +,". (.* % 3&' # !#-!'3' #)#3 0' J0 0 building-block approach " K /0.' / .( 0 3 ."'* /0.$#%3#%] (.+Z" +,'$ 3. (% #-!'# 4
ความเสี่ยงตามวิธี standardised approach สำหรับสถานะอนุพันธ์จะใช้หลัก building block approach ซึ่งเป็นหลักการแยกองค์ประกอบพื้นฐานของสถานะอนุพันธ์ว่าเปรียบเสมือนการมีสถานะในหลักทรัพย์พื้นฐานใด และนำสถานะ
cause the gas turbine of Phase 1 to stop operating in Q3/2017. This also caused the decline in gross profit for Baht 111 million or 69% from Q2/2017. “Electricity Sales Volume increased at Rayong Central