ecosystem • Poise Thai companies for impact success as they integrate management practices to support reporting/compliance initiatives. • Build awareness through dissemination and knowledge sharing
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and accounting professional ethics in the revision and adoption of Thai accounting standards. In addition, FAP continuously works on dissemination of knowledge on
2Q2019, mainly due to travel restriction as impact from the spread of COVID- 19. This resulted in a significantly decline in diesel consumption in 2Q2020 by 6% compare to 2Q2019. However, methyl ester
China. Gasoline-Dubai crack spread (UNL95/DB), Jet (Kerosene)-Dubai crack spread (IK/DB), and Gasoline-Dubai crack spread (GO/DB) were especially affected. This turn of events have led the refinery
first half of 2020 was affected by the COVID-19 outbreak that wreaked wide spread havoc upon economies around the world. Moreover, the border closure policies, and travel limitations to control the spread
1. The outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Since the end of February 2020, the government and private companies allowed the employees to work at home to prevent the further spread of the
guidelines for employees to curtail the spread of COVID-19 as well as support our partner and community to help prevent the spread of the virus and support those already affected. Throughout the COVID-19
Business Operation for 2Q/2018 Bangchak Corporation Plc. I 7 from the increment in crude oil price and improving crack spread of some products. In this quarter, crude oil price adjusted upward sharply, which
spread between finished product and crude oil in every product category, and from the higher average crude oil price; resulting in an Inventory Gain of THB 834 million, exceeding 2016’s. Moreover, there
. - The opinion of the Audit Committee and/or Director of the Company which differ from the opinion of Board of Directors -None- The Company provides this information for acknowledgement and dissemination