recurring revenue remains constant at around 77.8% (Q3 2018: 78.2%) versus a non-recurring revenue of 22.2% (Q3 2018: 21.8%). We have a growth in non-recurring revenue in HR Solution of 17.72mb due to the
corporate and operational goals, and to launch projects in response to problems and demands in various dimension of the public on a constant basis, with concrete evaluation and reporting, for positive
”) as required by international standards • The operation of the SET will be consistent with regulatory objectives and prescribed rules • For transparent and constant operation of the SET while interests
นักงำน ผู้ลงทุนสถำบนัมีศักยภำพในกำรลงทุน/กำรรับควำมเสี่ยง (sophisticated) และดูแลตนเองได้ ประกอบกบัหลักเกณฑ์ปจัจบุัน อนุญำตใหผู้้ลงทนุสถำบันสำมำรถรับข้อมูลหรือค ำแนะน ำ กำรลงทุนจำกผูป้ระกอบกำรต่ำงประเทศ
กรณีท่ีเป็น การเสนอขายหลกัทรัพยต่์อผูล้งทุนในกลุ่มแรก (sophisticated investor) ซ่ึงไดรั้บการสันนิษฐานวา่เป็น ผูล้งทุนท่ีมีความรู้ความเขา้ใจในเร่ืองความเส่ียงท่ีเกิดจากการลงทุน กฎเกณฑท่ี์ก ากบัดูแลจึงผอ่น
personal care in March, resulting in overall Q1’20 growth at 0.8% YoY. Overall international business grew 4.8% YoY at constant FX. - Q1’20 Functional drinks market maintained double-digit growth momentum of
calculate the utility of the time series it contains using an intertemporal utility function. We then calculate what constant level of income would yield the same level of utility as that of the time series
Company’s constant operating results. In addi tion, the discontinuation of the manufacturing business of accessories and faucet products and the disposal of the Company’s assets relating to such business
from data analytics, enabled banks to target, attract and engage customers using more sophisticated techniques. Banks cooperated with potential partners across industries to gain new opportunities and
Water sales volume slightly decrease from at 4.3 million cubic meters in 1Q2018 to 4.2 million cubic meters in 1Q2019, or decreased by 4%. Wastewater sales volume and management remain constant at 8.9