profitability indicators have continually improved. The Company’s return on equity (ROE) ratio has improved to 12.9%, compared to 8.1% in Q2 2016. Return on assets (ROA) ratio improved to 6.3%, compared to 4.1
information with general investors. The key indicators and changes regarding to the operating performance and financial status are as follows: 1. Operating Performance of the Company for the third quarter ended
Exchange of Thailand with a view to share the information with general investors. The key indicators and changes regarding to the operating performance and financial status are as follows: 1. Operating
on assets (ROA) as at end of 2019 are at -2.43% and -0.86% respectively. The Company’s profitability indicators were negative this year due to the net loss, caused by the reasons explained above
Q2 2019 were at 12.4% and 5.7% respectively. The Company’s profitability indicators were lower than Q2 2018, mainly due to new investments which had not yet generated return and unrealized loss on
2. เนือ้หาบทวิเคราะห์เทคนิค อย่างน้อยควรประกอบด้วย มีกราฟราคาตลอดจน Indicators ในช่วงระยะเวลาครอบคลมุกบัเนือ้หา ท่ีใช้ในการวิเคราะห์ หรือได้เขียนอธิบายสญัญาณทางเทคนิคประกอบการวิเคราะห์ การแสดงแนว
retail businesses, has also been impacted by several of Thailand’s economic indicators including the consumers’ confidence index which hit the lowest in 38 months, the floods in upcountry, as well as the
hit merchandise exports, and domestic demand. Private consumption indicators indicated the slower expansion in most sectors. Manufacturing production and private investment contracted. Nevertheless
Return on equity (ROE) and Return on assets (ROA) as of Q1 2021 were at 3.09% and 1.12% respectively. The Company’s profitability indicators were higher than those of Q1 2020 as the profit improved in Q1
Return on assets (ROA) as of Q3 2021 were at 13.11% and 4.59% respectively. The Company’s profitability indicators were significantly higher than those of Q3 2020 as profit continues to improve. Interest