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) English (United States) MarketProfessionals and Audit Oversight Mutual Fund Business Operators Registered Persons Wealth Advice for All A Settlor of an Infrastructure Trust A Trustee of An Infrastructure
effective by Q4/2014 will be more responsive to current circumstances and the Bank of Thailand oversight while enhancing efficiency of fund raising for private sector by issuance of structured notes.
sufficiency to ensure work efficiency, including monitoring and supervision of the subsidiaries to prevent exploitation of asset owned by the Company or subsidiaries resulted from misconducts of the Company’s
investment returns before Type B unitholders 12 Increasing Market Confidence Source : Enhancing supervisory process through
ผูถื้อหน่วย โดยมีประเด็น ส ำคญัจำกกำรรับฟังควำมคิดเห็น ดงัน้ี 4.1 การปรับปรุง governance ของกองทุนรวม (1) การก าหนดผู้ทีจ่ะมาท าหน้าทีต่รวจสอบดูแลการด าเนินงานของ บลจ. (oversight) ส ำนกังำนเสนอให ้บลจ
monitoring programmes should be in place to enable staff to understand relevant codes of conduct and apply them effectively to avoid company involvement in inappropriate behaviour. 5.0 Risk oversight 5.1
.: _________________________ Part E: Independent Oversight Entity of the Passport Fund (Trustee/ Fund Supervisor) Same as Custody No [if “No”, please provide further information below] 23) Name of Independent Oversight Entity
.: _________________________ Page 6 of 9 Form 35 – ARFP CIS Part E: Independent Oversight Entity of the Passport Fund (Trustee/ Fund Supervisor) Same as Custody No [if “No”, please provide further information below] 23) Name of
ชื่อผู้ได้มา/จำหน่าย :?GOOD SHOW HOLDINGS LIMITED | ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : หุ้น | วันที่มีหน้าที่ : 07/10/2552