, despite intense competition in certain areas, such as Nakhon Ratchasima. Overall the Company continues to achieve the targeted rental rate growth for the rest of the shopping malls. The same store rental
areas. • Significant melting of ice in the Arctic. • Reduction in crop yields from extreme temperatures. • Sea level rise of above 0.50m leading to more significant flooding and storm surges in coastal
has given support and helped with the coordination. Later, executives of Blue Finix saw the opportunity to be an alliance with Electronics Extreme Co., Ltd., an importer of online games, to jointly use
support and helped with the coordination. Later, executives of Blue Finix saw the opportunity to be an alliance with Electronics Extreme Co., Ltd., an importer of online games, to jointly use resources to
Extreme Co., Ltd., an importer of online games, to jointly use resources to achieve the best business benefits, including the proposal of work expansion plan to the leading media business group in the
. Later, executives of Blue Finix saw the opportunity to be an alliance with Electronics Extreme Co., Ltd., an importer of online games, and ONE HD channel, to jointly use resources to achieve the best
and Miss Supranational, etc. The Company has given support and helped with the coordination. Later, executives of Blue Finix saw the opportunity to be an alliance with Electronics Extreme Co., Ltd., an
ในด้นภูมิศสตร์ บงประเทศหรือบงพืนที่ของประเทศนัน ๆ อจได้รับผลกระทบจกสภวะ สุดขัวของลมฟ้อกศ (“extreme weather events”) ที่เกิดจกกรเปลี่ยนแปลงทงสภพภูมิอกศมกกว่ ประเทศอื่น ๆ หรือพืนที่อื่น ๆ 10 ทังนี
their deposits and appropriately managing costs by increasing the proportion of CASA and maintaining liquid assets to cope with a severe liquidity situation in compliance with BOT guidelines including the
than ten years ago or such behavior is not so severe that the person should not be entrusted to perform duties as auditor in the capital market, the SEC Office may disregard such fact as a cause for