jointly failed to perform their duties with responsibility, due care, and loyalty or failed to perform their duties with dishonest intent and obtained unlawful gains for themselves or another person which
jointly failed to perform their duties with responsibility, due care, and loyalty or failed to perform their duties with dishonest intent and obtained unlawful gains for themselves or another person which
failed to perform their duties with responsibility, due care, and loyalty or failed to perform their duties with dishonest intent and obtained unlawful gains for themselves or another person which caused
(2) Mr. Patiphat Supasirisin and (3) Mr. Sakesan Baisak jointly failed to perform their duties with responsibility, due care, and loyalty or failed to perform their duties with dishonest intent and
review responsibility of her audit group. She had the authorized access to view the draft financial statements in the EY information system and disclosed the inside information of the three companies to
Act of 1992 with the following offences: (1) For her responsibility over PICNI operations in 2004 when she jointly made changes to the contracts to let bottling plants owned by her families or under her
with the following offences: (1) For his responsibility over PICNI operations in 2004 when he jointly made changes to the contracts to let bottling plants owned by his families or under his control rent
. Based on the above finding, the SEC considered that Tipsuda had failed to properly perform her duty, as an auditor, to question and review the financial position and repayment ability of the large debtor
, Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. KorNor
aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC, Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held