เสนอขายแพก็เกจใชง้านไมจ่ ากดัดว้ยความเรว็คงที ่ (Fixed-Speed Unlimited) ใหก้ลุ่มลูกคา้ระบบรายเดอืน ส่งผลใหก้ารเพิม่รายไดจ้ากการใชง้านดาตา้ของลูกคา้ดขีึน้ ส าหรบัตลาดระบบเตมิเงนิ (prepaid) สภาพการ แขง่
148 73 75 103% - BOCO ROCK : The operating result was increased by 75 million Baht due to higher wind speed, comparing to the same period last year, leading to higher electricity generation. Quezon
that Japanese industrial users have traditional long-holiday in Q’4 and many industrial users speed up the production in Q’3 every year. These could not be fully offset by an increase in demand of
431% - ซีดบับลิวเอฟ : ผลประกอบการเพิมขึนจาํนวน 56 ลา้นบาท เนืองจากความเรว็ลม (wind speed) สูง กว่าไตรมาสที 1 ปี 2561 ทําใหผ้ลติไฟฟ้าไดม้ากกว่า หน้า 8 เคแอลย:ู หน่วย : ลา้นบาท ไตรมาส 1 เปลี ยนแปลง เพิ
, deferred income tax and lease income 75 33 42 127% - CWF : The operating result was increased by Baht 42 million due to higher wind speed, comparing to the same period of previous year, leading to higher
declining of high speed diesel consumption in Thailand. However, the effectiveness of B20 subsidy policy has impacted to growing of domestic methyl ester demand. The average EPPO P2F in 3Q/ 2019 ( the
432 million comparing to 9M/2019, mainly due to Availability Payment (AP) decreased of BLCP and low wind speed for electricity generation of CWF. Meanwhile, SBPL has recognized the operating result
economy. The Initiative seeks to develop mechanisms to better align the interests of investors, industry and government so as to catalyse investments at a speed and scale sufficient to avoid dangerous
previous year by THB 6 million, mainly due to the wind speed which slightly soften from the previous year, combined with the interest rate increment according to the Philippines government’s policy. However
the second quarter is an off- season period that has weaker wind speed sweeping pass the project location. As such, this quarter the company realized share of profit from its associate company THB 102