tax benefit (expenses) (1,175) 1,156 2,331 201.64 Profit (loss) for the period (55,425) (44,829) (10,596) 23.64 Other comprehensive income for the period - (474) 474 100.00 Total comprehensive income
-1.9% EBITDA (Bt mn) 4Q16 3Q17 4Q17 %YoY %QoQ FY16 FY17 %YoY Operating Profit 8,279 9,900 10,315 25% 4.2% 39,382 40,385 2.5% Depreciation & amortization 6,828 7,738 8,164 20% 5.5% 21,667 30,151 39% (Gain
5.6 -4.0 Net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders (Exclude Gain (Loss) on exchange rate) 99.9 299.1 -199.1 -66.6 Net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders Margin (%) (Exclude Gain (Loss
21.71 2.73% 505.45 54.0% -483.74 -95.70% Loss from impairment of property investment 5.69 0.66% - - 5.69 100.00% Total Expense 723.45 84.40% 1,303.52 139.1% -580.08 -44.50% Profit before finance costs and
investment in its subsidiary company approximately 14 million Baht. The Group’s management is currently implementing financial and operational measures to improve the subsidiary’s future performance. Profit
investment in its subsidiary company approximately 14 million Baht .The Group’s management is currently implementing financial and operational measures to improve the subsidiary’s future performance. Profit
% Operating profit 10,731 10,063 10,103 -5.9% 0.4% 21,610 20,165 -6.7% Net foreign exchange gain (loss) 106 84 252 137% 200% (23) 336 -1569% Other income (expense) 76 221 107 41% -51% 324 328 1.2% Finance cost
. Core Net Profit is the Reported Net Profit less extraordinary items less tax adjusted inventory gain/loss. Net Operating Debt is Net Debt (total debt less cash and current investments) less cash outflow
period of last year which directly affected by shares of loss and employee benefit expenses. Net Profit (Loss): EASON reported 2Q19 net loss of 14.61 M a drop of 197% from 2Q18 while 6M19 showed THB 0.32M
% QoQ benefited from a better operating performance, fully depreciated 3G assets, and one-time gain recognized in this quarter. 3Q23 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. 2 3Q23 Operational Summary 3Q23