that the mutual fund should receive to compensate the risk received by the mutual fund. A mutual fund with a higher Sharpe Ratio will indicate better investment management efficiency as it has higher
Ratio will indicate better investment management efficiency as it has higher returns under the same risk level. Alpha refers to the excess return of a mutual fund upon comparison with the benchmarks
Ratio will indicate better investment management efficiency as it has higher returns under the same risk level. Alpha refers to the excess return of a mutual fund upon comparison with the benchmarks
debt collection in order to maintain our asset quality management efficiency. 3 Regulations on Permission Given to Commercial Banks to Operate Information Technology-Related Services to Support Digital
. สินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลฯ”) ซึงเป็นกฎเกณฑ์กำกับดูแลกำรระดม HouseStyle Decree are that the law is enacted to ensure the effectiveness
described above and the effectiveness of cost management. Please be informed accordingly, Yours sincerely, -Ms. Thitapat Issarapornpat- (Ms. Thitapat Issarapornpat) Director and Acting on behalf of Company
expenses down 4% Y-O-Y or Baht 8.2 million mainly from the effectiveness of all SG&A expenses controls and the reduction of revenue -related variable costs despite an increase of Baht 2.5 million in pre
effectiveness as the one suggested by SEC.The process of KYC is an initial procedure that every business operators in the capital market need to perform in order to onboard customers in accordance with the
current situations by expanding the scope of protection and effectiveness as well as closing legal loopholes that could bring people damages or improper services. The regulations are proposed to be
-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) signed the memorandum of understanding with objective to enhance effectiveness of collaboration on supervision over securities business operator to prevent and suppress