career path ใหกับ IC/IP ของตนซ่ึงมีความชํานาญใน การใหคําแนะนําและวางแผนการลงทุนในผลิตภัณฑประเภทตาง ๆ ได รางประกาศสํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํากับหลักทรัพยและตลาดหลักทรัพย ท่ี สธ. /2561 เรื่อง หลักเกณฑใน
2022, the Thai economy is expected to be on a recovery path despite the uncertainty around the outbreak of a new COVID-19 strain, Omicron, in early Jan-21. With a substantially higher vaccination rate
โยบายเดมิ หากไมม่นีโยบายเดมิ ใหล้งทนุตามทีก่ าหนดไวใ้นขอ้บงัคบั หากขอ้บงัคบัไมก่ าหนดไว ้ใหเ้ป็นไปตามทีน่ายทะเบยีน ประกาศก าหนด (อาจรวมถงึ life path หรอื target date) 2.4 การจดัท าบญัชแีละการบนัทกึราย
quarter of 2018 1. The Company increased frequency on route: Bangkok – Mandalay from 7 flights per week to 11 flights per week (started in July 2018) 2. The Company has 26 codeshare partners in total in
quarter of 2018 1. The Company increased frequency on route: Bangkok – Mandalay from 7 flights per week to 11 flights per week (started in July 2018) 2. The Company has 26 codeshare partners in total in
, when COVID-19 pandemic situation got controlled and recovered, the Company has started to operate some of domestic routes as in details below; Date Started to Operate Route Frequency per Week 15 May 2020
strategy, Tesco has committed to sourcing 100% of the Group’s electricity needs from renewable sources by 2030 and to reducing its transport emissions through the use of alternate fuels, route optimization
4) Monetary tightening as the Bank of Thailand (BOT) signaled raising the interest rate in the period ahead while financial market rates are on an upward path. However, the Bank in-house research
4) Monetary tightening as the Bank of Thailand (BOT) signaled raising the interest rate in the period ahead while financial market rates are on an upward path. However, the Bank in-house research
(exclude spectrum) • Bt30-35bn Core service revenue is expected to grow mid-single digit In 2022, Thai economy is expected to be on a recovery path despite the uncertainty around the outbreak of new COVID-19