of Information Accuracy [ ] 3. Evidence on the appointment of an authorised person of CIS Operator Please print this checklist and include it as part of the package of this form Form updated as of June
in Appendices of the Handbook for CIS Operators of ASEAN CISs. Please print this checklist and include it as part of the package of this form ASEAN CIS Application Form To: Secretary-General Securities
set out in Appendices of the Handbook for CIS Operators of ASEAN CISs. Please print this checklist and include it as part of the package of this form Page 2 of 4 Form 35 – retail ASEAN CIS ASEAN CIS
2,808,135,754 by issuing 460,000,000 new ordinary shares with par value of Baht 1.00 per share for the allotment to VAVA PACK Company Limited under the private placement scheme. Therefore, the purpose of this
2,808,135,754 by issuing 460,000,000 new ordinary shares with par value of Baht 1.00 per share for the allotment to VAVA PACK Company Limited under the private placement scheme. Therefore, the purpose of this
shares with par value of Baht 1.00 per share for the allotment to VAVA PACK Company Limited under the private placement scheme. Therefore, the purpose of this capital increase is to expand the capacity of
level of capital and the regular setting aside of additional provisions, commercial banks can maintain an adequate cushion for NPL in the banking system. V3 12/05/63 3 Adoption of the pack of Thai
as the e-Wallet and internet package top-up. Total revenue from core businesses was Bt3,147mn, decreasing 5.7% YoY. However, as a result of the costs control measurement on both service costs and
% YoY, as well as the e-Wallet and internet package top-up. In term of lending business, loan to customers is still growing by 86.5% YoY with 0.5% NPL. As at the end of 2Q2020, the total number of
Pack” size packaging (grilled and crispy seaweed), the “Big Sheet” (roasted seaweed) and “Whey Protein” products for health conscious consumers. In June, our seaweed products own 66 percent of all