include experience, for example, education, employment record, affiliation, job positions, work experience, test/training records, certification numbers of locally certified public accountants/international
qualification and what is the criteria for making manager/senior manager/partner. What is the focus on performance - commerciality or technical competence? 3 What is the focus / objectives for audit staff at job
, however, the public relations department may be responsible for the job. In such case, must the job be transferred back to the company secretary? And how should the company proceed? A: By law, the company
, however, the public relations department may be responsible for the job. In such case, must the job be transferred back to the company secretary? And how should the company proceed? A: By law, the company
future adequacy of the firms’ human resources. In particular, there has been a lack of competent workforce in the audit profession due to the audit firms’ high turnover rate. Furthermore, a declining
include experience, for example, education, employment record, affiliation, job positions, work experience, test/training records, certification numbers of locally certified public accountants/international
งบรษิทัผูข้อความเห็นชอบ ฉบบัจรงิ 0 ฉบับ ส ำเนำ 1 ฉบับ หมำยเหต ุ(ลงนำมโดยผูม้อี ำนำจผูกพันบรษัิท พรอ้มตรำประทับ (ถำ้ม)ี) - 6) ขอบเขตหนา้ที ่(Job description) ของต าแหน่งทีข่อความเห็นชอบ ฉบบัจรงิ 0 ฉบับ ส ำเนำ
scope and description of delegated responsibilities of each position (job description). *** The number of experience years may be indicated in periods of time. **** For example, the Audit Firm has 3
scope and description of delegated responsibilities of each position (job description). *** The number of experience years may be indicated in periods of time. **** For example, the Audit Firm has 3
responsibility in managing the company, regardless of the job title; (7) “Management Company” means the property fund management company; (8) “Company” means any limited company or public limited company and shall