and constructions of new housing projects have been delayed. Except for product sales through small to medium sales representatives, which are located throughout the country, that could still open for
office space which is located in the proximity to the Company’s current office In this regards, when considering the benefits that the Company may obtain from entering into the transaction, the risks that
launched the 1st standalone WINNER store under a COCO (Company Owned Company Operated) format in Ratchaburi. It is a new concept of small furniture store focusing on tackling a new market segment, aiming to
government’s investment projects. Nonetheless, small business and retail loans may see only limited growth amid a feeble recovery in purchasing power. Close attention should be paid to competition in the market
รายได้จากการให้เช่าและบริการรวม เท่ากบั 121.7 ล้านบาท และ 140.6 ล้านบาท ตามล าดบั ซึ่งเพิ่มขึน้จ านวน 18.9 ล้านบาท หรือคิดเป็นร้อยละ 15.5 โดย หลกัเป็นผลมาจากการเปิดด าเนินการ Little Walk พทัยา และ Index
Re: Particulars of Notice Calling Shareholders’ Meeting of Listed Companies to Obtain Approval for Issuance and Offer of Securities for Sale
unexplored issues involving future earnings uncertainty and firm fundamentals. In particular, little evidence enlightens how a series of growing earnings affects the second moment of subsequent earnings, and
) ในไตรมำส 2/2563 บรษัิท อนิเด็กซ ์ลฟิวิง่มอลล ์จ ำกดั (มหำชน) (“บรษิทัฯ” หรอื “ILM”) ยังสำมำรถท ำก ำไรได ้แม ้ ตอ้งปิดสำขำส่วนใหญ่ของ Index Living Mall, The Walk และ Little Walk ตั ้งแต่วันที่ 22 มีนำคม
. Thai economic fundamentals are still regarded as strong. On the fiscal side, the economy is healthy with fiscal surplus achieved in 2003, a small deficit in 2004, and a balanced budget targeted for 2005
generated revenue of THB 1.2 million in this quarter, little increased by 2.1% when compared to the same period of prior year. 2. Revenue from services Revenue from services for this quarter was totally at