Company's operating results in the third quarter ended September 30, 2018 has loss in amount of Baht 9.64 million (loss per share Bath 0.96), compared to the same period of last year which had loss of Baht
3,079.3 3,005.6 (73.8) (2.4%) Gross Profit 1,310.9 1,225.3 (85.5) (6.5%) Gross Profit Margin 42.6% 40.8% GPM before adjustment with PPA 44.2% 51.4% Share of Profit from JV's Sale of Investment Properties
322 232 89 38% Earnings per share (THB/share) 0.54 0.39 0.15 37% Consolidated financial results of 12-month ended period Increasing in total sales revenue of 2018 of 625 M THB or 32% to 2,590M THB
Profit Margin 51.1% 58.9% GPM before adjustment with PPA/2 51.6% 59.1% Revenue and Share of Profit Sale of Investment Properties 3,469.4 3,891.2 12.2% Revenue from Sale of Investment Properties 3,005.6
due primarily to its market share increase in Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia, notwithstanding the products delivery postponement from some project delays in Myanmar and Vietnam to early 2019. Profit for
expenses of Baht 493.80 million, decreased from the last year Baht 43.19 million or 8.04% due to the company has adjusted the selling expenses to net sales. 4. Share of gain (loss) from investments in joint
expenses of Baht 536.99 million, increased from the last year Baht 32.68 million or 6.48% due to the company’s expenses increased from employee expenses and space retal. 4. Share of gain (loss) from
of L&E market share in Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia. Profit for the period L&E’s consolidated profit for the period of Q3/2018 was posted at Baht 35.1 million, up 36% or Baht 9.2 million from a year
evidence regarding the fair value measurement of the shares, both those settled by the buyer from the sale of the Group’s investment in a subsidiary and those originally held by the Group from the adjustment
, both those settled by the buyer from the sale of the Group’s investment in a subsidiary and those originally held by the Group from the adjustment in value of the investment in the shares of the buyer at