months due to wrongful acts against investors’ assets make sure that they are truly issued by the banks or the asset management companies in charge, and to update their fund books (if any) in the following
”) หรือยุบรวมให เหลือแบบเดยีว เพื่อลดตนทนุแกบริษัทจดทะเบียน - ไมสามารถลดขอมูลในแบบ 56-1 ใหเหลือเทากับ ขอมูลในแบบ 56-2 ได เนื่องจากแบบ 56-1 เปนการ update ขอมูลของบริษัทแกผูลงทนุ ภายหลัง PO จงึไม
identities or real beneficiaries, evaluation of customers’ investment suitability, update of customers’ information, use of consulting experts, no pressure on customers’ decision-making, and specific
Office. Clause 10. The securities companies are allowed to upgrade its online branch office to full-service branch office provided that on the date the securities company upgrades its branch, it meets the
Office. Clause 10. The securities companies are allowed to upgrade its online branch office to full-service branch office provided that on the date the securities company upgrades its branch, it meets the
upgrade its online branch office to full-service branch office provided that on the date the securities company upgrades its branch, it meets the qualification as specified in Clause 4 and notify the
the date the branch office starts its operation in accordance with the format set out in an electronic system of the Office. Clause 10. The derivatives brokers are allowed to upgrade its online branch
the date the branch office starts its operation in accordance with the format set out in an electronic system of the Office. Clause 10. The derivatives brokers are allowed to upgrade its online branch
Office. Clause 10. The derivatives brokers are allowed to upgrade its online branch office to full-service branch office provided that on the date the derivatives broker upgrades its branch, it meets the
ประกอบการเสนอขายหน่วยลงทุน โดยสามารถเสนอขายไดโ้ดยไม่ จ ากดัจ านวนคร้ัง แต่ตอ้งมีระยะเวลาไม่เกิน 1 ปี นับแต่วนัท่ีแบบ 69 – CIS full มีผลใชบ้งัคบั 2) แบบ 69 – CIS annually update หาก CIS operator ตอ้งการเสนอ