4,085,362.50 Baht - a suspension of securities and derivatives trading between 05/01/2024 and 04/11/2024 - a bar from serving as a director or
of 4,085,362.50 Baht - a suspension of securities and derivatives trading between 05/01/2024 and 04/07/2024 - a bar from serving as a
of securities and derivatives trading between 20/03/2024 and 19/04/2026 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a securities issuing company between 20/03
and derivatives trading between 12/03/2024 and 11/04/2026 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a securities issuing company between 12/03/2024 and 11/05
monetary penalty of 1,097,587.50 Baht - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a securities issuing company between 07/08/2024 and 06/10/2025  
of 1,097,587.50 Baht - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a securities issuing company between 07/08/2024 and 06/08/2025  
ลูคา่ คา่ความเสีย่ง เงนิสด จ านวนเงนิ + ดอกเบีย้คา้งรับ 0% P/N NCD B/E ทีอ่อกโดย สง. Face value 0% เงนิลงทนุ Mark to market ตามวธิ ีfixed-haircut approach สทิธเิรยีกรอ้งในลกูหนีม้ารจ์ิน้ มลูหนีข้องลกู
/2022 and 24/02/2023 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital token http://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/en/Enforce Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 08/02
/2022 and 24/02/2023 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital token http://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/en/Enforce Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 08/02
contracts on the Derivatives Exchange for 3 years from 15 December 2020; and a bar from serving as a director or executive in a securities issuing company or a securities company for 5 years from 15 December