ปรับเปล่ียนกระบวนการท างานผ่าน โครงการ Organizational Transformation โดยประธานเจ้าหน้าที่บริหารกลุ่ม (Group CEO) เป็นผู้รับผิดชอบหลักใน ต าแหน่ง Chief Transformation Officer โดยมี Technology
%, with organic growth contributing 9%, demonstrating the strong market demand for PET as IVL being the global leader in this space. However, volume increase was offset by a decline in EBITDA/t which was
view on education business was in the same direction as our hotel business. Despite a lower YoY performance of DTC’s education business in 1H20 due to a temporary closure of Dusit Thani College and Le
services were increased by the same direction of the revenue. The sales expenses amount 138.52 million baht in the year 2019 compared to the year 2018 amount 145.44 million baht or decreased by 6.92 million
baht in Quarter 2/2016 decreased by 27.7 million baht or (10.75%) because the cost of sales and services were decreased by the same direction of the revenue. The sales expenses amount 36.22 million baht
sales and services were decreased by the same direction of the revenue. The sales expenses amount 43.20 million baht in Quarter 3/2017 compared to Quarter 3/2016 amount 36.07 million baht or increase by
cost of sales and services was 1,006.73 million baht in the year 2016, increased by 61.63 million baht or (6.12%) because the cost of sales and services were increased by the same direction of the
compared to cost of sales and services was 1,068.36 million baht in the year 2017 decreased by 129.51 million baht or (12.12%) because the cost of sales and services were decreased by the same direction of
increase due to the fluctuation of raw material price that remain high during our financial year. The direction of raw material price started to decline at the end of financial year and expects to benefit
from sale. The direction of raw material is improving 3. Selling and administrative expenses was increased by 17.6 million Baht or 3.4 % from the supporting in marketing activity in all business unit. In