lending to finance securities trading because such activities can stimulate artificial purchasing power beyond investors? real ability. Such condition may lead to inappropriate trading, impacts on the
? securities trading. Unorganized market loans can inflate artificial purchasing power beyond clients? actual capacity, which may lead to inappropriate trading and widespread damages to the market. The SEC
preparations for economic, social and environmental changes, which will lead to the increase in opportunities and competitiveness. The Company may provide a brief description as deemed appropriate. In addition
lead to the increase in opportunities and competitiveness. The Company may provide a brief description as deemed appropriate. In addition, disclose the expenses spent on such research and development
Provision ____________________ Chapter 1 Scope of Applicability ____________________ Clause 4 The regulations on structured notes is under two separate parts due to the combined characteristics of the bonds
from derivatives for clients; “member of fund investment committee” means a member of a committee which is appointed or assigned by a fund management company to consider and determine the scope of
”) จาก lead underwriter หรือ arranger รวมทั้ง affiliates (1) ในบางกรณี issuer ตอ้งการจดัอนัดบั องคก์รก่อน หรือจดัอนัดบัตราสาร โดยยงัไม่ทราบวา่องคก์รใดเป็น lead underwriter (1) เน่ืองจากยงัไม่มีตวักลางใดท า
taxonomies/classifications Strengthening of government policy and legislation These shifts are likely to lead to: - Increased accountability, transparency - A red line under impact-washing related challenges
PET resin and polyester. Signed an agreement with Ioniqa and Unilever for chemical recycling of PET waste in Europe. Evolving HR strategies by launching the i-Lead, v-Lead and Shadow Talent
appropriate to their circumstances and over time. Institutional investors’ obligations to their beneficiaries or clients and their scope for influence of companies in which they invest bring important