-incurred foreign exchange gain, the Company’s Q3/2018 and the nine-month period ended September 30, 2018 profits would be 5. Financial costs in amount Baht 178.05 million, an increase of Baht 22.15 million
an equal amount to the benefit received or should have been received, reimbursement of the investigative expenses incurred by the SEC, and bar from serving as a director or executive in a securities
95. 14 million respectively, increasing by 0.3%. The proportion of the costs of hospital operations incurred compared to total revenues in 3Q16 and 3Q17 were 74.6% ad 61.0%, respectively. This increase
; Current liabilities increased Baht 624 million derived from: Accrued interest expenses increased Baht 385 million Current portion of long-term loan from related party increased Baht 176 million. Non
accounting department recorded such fake entries as income and accrued income in the total of 691 million baht. This case is in the process of inquiry by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.281/2 paragraph 2 in
accounting department recorded such fake entries as income and accrued income in the total of 691 million baht. The public prosecutor issued a final non-prosecution order. The case was deemed final. SEC Act
department recorded such fake entries as income and accrued income in the total of 691 million baht. This case is in the process of inquiry by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.281/2 paragraph 2 in
department recorded such fake entries as income and accrued income in the total of 691 million baht. This case is in the process of inquiry by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.281/2 paragraph 2 in
which will be directly allocated to employees at the Offering Date, not exceeding 30% of the allocated portion of the Warrants shall be exercisable after 1 year of the Issuance Date, and total accumulated
which will be directly allocated to employees at the Offering Date, not exceeding 30% of the allocated portion of the Warrants shall be exercisable after 1 year of the Issuance Date, and total accumulated