facilitate the government officers who are in duty to handle COVID-19 pandemic. During the temporarily suspension, the Company need to adjust compensation scheme to the employees to enable the Company to
its businesses except for some properties in UK that are still in operation in accordance with the government’s request to facilitate the government officers who are in duty to handle Covid-19 pandemic
prevent such conflict]. Additionally, the process to handle for keeping the best interest of the REIT or the unit holders, as a whole, when a conflict of interest has been happened, is required; (3) a
likelihood and the possible effects. 7.5 The company has measures and operational plans to handle risk by either accepting, reducing, avoiding or sharing risks. 8. The organization considers the potential for
=https%3A%2F%2Fdownload.dws.com%2Fdownload%3Felib-assetguid%3D2c2023f453ef4284be4430003b0fbeee&usg=AOvVaw1_AfzEthPZgq0bZtV_ZYz0 https://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/14369106/15-073.pdf 2 เพ่ิมข้ึนข
BOUTIQUE AIRLINE destination to Thailand instead. The number of family oversea trip from China was also noticeable due to the school break during this period (Source: Ministry of Tourisms and Sports). The
banks will continue to focus on managing loan quality. However, with a relatively high level of capital and the regular setting aside of additional provisions, commercial banks will be able to handle
which are enforceable on other derivatives clearing houses in tiered participation arrangements; (3) ability to demand or enforce collateral promptly; (4) sufficient sources of funds to handle risks
national sustainability challenges, including climate 9 World Bank: Thailand Economic Monitor - Thailand in the Time of COVID-19 (https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/34047/Thailand
rate at every 4 months basis to better reflect the fuel cost of electricity generation. Currently, GPSC has planned to handle with the change and consistently monitors the updates from the ERC. In Q4