เพิม่ขึน้ เนื่องจำกส่วนต่ำงรำคำน ้ำมนั ส ำเรจ็รูปและน ้ำมนัดบิอำ้งองิในทุกผลติภณัฑป์รบัตวัสงูขึน้ และม ีInventory Gain จำกรำคำน ้ำมนัดบิเฉลีย่ทีป่รบัเพิม่ขึน้ในไตร มำส ธุรกจิกำรตลำดเป็นช่วง low season เขำ้
and Wind) FUTURE GROWTH Inorganic Growth 4,748 MW Equity Capacity 4,766 MW Equity Capacity 5,026 MW Equity Capacity COD of projects4,776 MW Equity Capacity COD of projects Selective Growth COD of
million. Due to total revenues decreased of Baht 554.20 million mainly from brokerage fees decreased of Baht 282.56 million, Gain and return on financial instruments decreased of Baht 326.45 million and
Energy (Thailand and International) Renewable Energy (Solar and Wind) FUTURE GROWTH Inorganic Growth 4,748 MW Equity Capacity 4,766 MW Equity Capacity 5,026 MW Equity Capacity COD of projects4,776 MW
sold on August , 2016 at selling price Baht 82.19 million with sharing of gain from investment value of the associates Baht 30.95 million Information of the 3rd Quarter Consolidated Separate 3 months
income 1,049.51 (119.57) 1,049.51 (119.57) Fees and services income 94.19 (54.38) 94.19 (54.38) Interest income on margin loans 67.68 (12.85) 67.68 (12.85) Gain (loss) and return on financial instruments
19.66 10.88 Gross profit 10.73 54.53 44.08 -10.45 -19.16 33.35 310.73 Profit (Loss) from exchange rate 0.87 3.00 1.19 -1.81 -60.28 0.32 36.31 Other Income 1.00 0.65 2.13 1.49 230.70 1.13 113.09 Gain from
113.09 Gain from bargain purchase 0.00 0.00 33.64 33.64 100.00 33.64 100.00 Profit before Selling and Administration expenses 12.61 58.17 81.06 22.89 39.35 68.45 543.05 Selling expense 3.36 26.92 8.54
. This is expected to generate income and profit to the Company, then, makes the Company gain much more improved financial position and operating performance that leads to value-added contribution to the
to core business of the Company. This is expected to generate income and profit to the Company, then, makes the Company gain much more improved financial position and operating performance that leads